BOUBIELA MORET installed a turnkey solution for storage with automatic unloader for biomass.
Storage and handling of biomass for the city of FELLETIN in France.
BOUBIELA MORET has realized a complete solution for storage with automatic reclaimer
The need of the client :
Store a large amount of biomass (mainly sawdust and wood waste) and burn it according needs to produce electricity.
Specific demand:
The reclaiming must be regulated automatically from primary storage.
Storage: a circuit of belt conveyors brings product wherever desired thru a “movable belt trolley.”
reclaiming is performed by a machine running automatically and self-regulating the flow of biomass to send to the boiler using a belt conveyors circuit
The strong points of the installation:
- Possible storage over large distances
- Automatism managed with Wi-Fi
- Automatic and fully regulated reclaiming
- Can be used in any type of flat type storage